WAYNESVILLE, N.C., September 10, 2019 (Newswire.com) - Host of new MHNRN podcast The Trauma Impact, Amy O'Neill brings her unique perspective as a survivor of the Boston Marathon Bombing, an endurance athlete and a mental health professional with over two decades of clinical experience to an in-depth look at trauma and mass violence.
With mass shooting attacks on the rise and, given the complicated survivor experience of such attacks, The Trauma Impact not only aims to help survivors in areas that have been impacted by mass violence, it seeks also to promote a more complete understanding of the effects of trauma in general.
O'Neill said, "The impact of trauma and how to treat it is an ongoing area of study - we need to know as much as possible about the trauma impact to understand how to support people in the recovery journey. The plan is that the more we (society) understand about the trauma impact, the more we can help treat and support survivors all over the world."
O'Neill's combination of clinical and lived experience make her an ideal candidate to initiate this important conversation. In particular, she focuses on the concept of resilience as a key tool in surviving trauma: resilience in this context relates to embracing the survivor journey on its own terms, being vulnerable and connecting with other survivors.
"Resilience," said O'Neill, "was about recognizing that I was going through a transformation. I was no longer the same in many ways and I had to stop fighting the transformation."
Series One of The Trauma Impact airs in 12 episodes. Episodes include survivor stories from individuals who have experienced other types of trauma, in order to reach as many people as possible. Listeners will learn about the survivor journey and gain compassion for those that are struggling. Survivors will feel validated, acknowledged, less alone and inspired by other survivors. Clinicians will hear firsthand from survivors and other professionals immersed with this population. They will gain understanding about how to treat survivors of mass violence.
O'Neill said, "Mass violence is shedding a light on violence in our country. It is a privilege to have such important conversations with so many incredible humans. I am on a mission to reach as many people as possible with acquired knowledge so that no one feels alone out there in the survivor journey."
MHNR Network and EverythingEHR CEO and podcast host Kristin Sunanta Walker said, "It was extremely important to me personally and to this network to champion the voice of Amy O'Neill. There must be representatives of the voices that belong to victims/survivors of mass violence. While I am asked, as the founder of this network, to debate gun control, whether or not mental illness is at the root of these senseless tragedies, and where I and my network land when it comes to these atrocities, I rest on one thing - the most important voices are those in the trenches. Amy is in the trenches and I am honored to serve her mission to the best of my ability with the network."
The Trauma Impact is available via Mental Health News Radio Network and most other podcast networks.
About Mental Health News Radio Network
Mental Health News Radio Network hosts over 50 podcasts covering all aspects of mental health. We are the world's largest and first podcast network solely dedicated to all things mental health. Our Speakers Bureau and filmed series Mental Health Roundtable allow us to further our mission to reach as many people in as many places as possible to encourage dialogue about mental health.
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Source: Mental Health News Radio Network